Another angle, showing how the exhibit could be spread out in a space

Here is one way you could spread out the exhibit’s panels and cut-outs.

Jewish Fighter Requesting Arms

A letter from the leader of a group of resistance fighters asking for arms.

A letter from a young woman hiding in a Warsaw ghetto, with a drawn diagram of where she was hiding.

This Holocaust exhibit includes a recording of this letter being read.

An introduction into the exhibit.

Three diary entries in Russian, from a girl named Fania.

A soldier writes home to his wife, telling her of events he witnessed as the war drew down, and what he saw freeing a concentration camp.

A cut-out of three children on Purim in the Lodz Ghetto.

A diary entry written in Polish by a young girl during the war.

Front and back of a birthday card, created in a Latvian concentration camp.

A closer look at the birthday card.